Today, I learned something extremely useful. I had heard of people hiring public adjusters for insurance claims in the past, but I never really thought much about it. From my uninformed perspective, there wasn’t much of a difference between an independent adjuster (who works for the insurance company) and a public adjuster who works only for the insured [home, condo, and business owners]. Stephen is a Public Adjuster. He will make sure you receive every penny you are owed for a claim and he does not get paid until you have been paid.There was insufficient damage to my home to warrant opening a claim but I did get a glimpse into how Stephen looks at the incident and watches out for his potential clients. Most importantly, I realized that the insured is his client, not the insurance company (which is both a huge distinction and advantage for the policyholder). Whether you have a claim or think you have a claim, please call Stephen. He will look it over, give you his honest assessment, and gather every molecule of evidence that might push the advantage into your court. No, I do not get any compensation for this recommendation! Well, that is not entirely true, I do have a comfortable feeling that I won’t be denied or underpaid by my insurance company if I have a claim. I can’t say I have actually had that kind of peace of mind before!