Water Damage on ceiling

$56,000 Boca Raton Roof Damage Claim from Hurricane Irma

Roof Damage from Hurricane Irma on second story home in Boca Raton Florida. Our senior public adjuster Stephen Lippy reopened the claim, after the insurance company initially offered 8K and settled with the carrier without a lawsuit for an additional $48,000.

If your Hurricane Irma Claim has been underpaid or denied, our experts public adjusters can help!

What do insurance inspectors look for on roofs?

In a typical roof inspection, insurance adjusters may look for things like the roof’s age, correct installation, missing or damaged shingles, areas of wear or sun damage, tree damage, nail pops, and other issues that might develop from a roof being exposed to the elements over time.


Does insurance pay for roof damage?

Most homeowner’s insurance plans cover roof replacement if the damage is caused by a natural disaster or an unexpected occurrence and not cover the repair of a roof that has deteriorated over time. To get the best rates for a roof replacement caused by sudden damage, it is best to contact a public adjuster.