AC-leak-fort-myers-e1419351140876Air Conditioners Leak

AC leaks in Fort Myers and Naples are very common. This is due to cities in Southwest Florida having a hot, humid climate that requires frequent air conditioner use. The prodigious use of air conditioners means that problems are bound to occur, such as water damage due to an air conditioner leak.

As everyone is already well aware, when something cold, such as a chilly drink, is placed in a warm and humid environment, condensation builds up on the beverage container. This phenomenon occurs with air conditioners as well. When the hot, humid Fort Myers and Naples air hits the extremely cold air conditioning coils, condensation can build up on the cold surfaces and drip into areas of your home where it doesn’t belong, often resulting in water damage to your walls, flooring, or ceiling.

In addition to condensation dripping or flowing to interior areas of your home, the air conditioner can also have its water line or drip pan (which are used to deal with the condensation that is created by the air conditioner) back up, causing an overflow of water from the air conditioning unit, which can create a sudden and accidental release of water, resulting in water damage.

Minor Damage from the Air Conditioner Leak Isn’t a Minor Repair

Sometimes the damage is large and obvious. Sometimes it’s much smaller and more subtle. Even if the damage is small, such as a water stain the size of a penny on your hardwood flooring, drywall ceiling, or baseboard, the actual loss can be substantial. What may seem like a small area of damage, requiring only a patchwork repair to a single piece of drywall or hardwood flooring, can actually require repair to your entire ceiling, wall, or flooring.

What many Fort Myers and Naples homeowners do not know is that Florida is a matching and continuous state. What this means is that even though the actual damage may encompass an isolated area, because the damaged area is continuous with other undamaged areas, Florida allows the homeowner to recover the costs to repair not only the area of actual damage, but the costs to make repairs that allow the undamaged areas to match the damaged area that has just been repaired. This allows the policyholders to properly bring their property to the condition before the loss.

For example, let’s say you have water damage to your painted drywall. Even though the actual damaged area may be limited to an area the size of one panel of drywall, if just that piece of drywall were to be replaced and repainted, it would not match the rest of the undamaged, painted walls since the painted walls are continuous throughout the room. Florida allows homeowners to demand that the insurance company pay for repairs so that all the walls match in color. In another example, one plank of hardwood flooring may be water damaged in an area where the entire dwelling has continuous hardwood flooring. However, if just that plank were replaced, it would stick out like a sore thumb. As many homeowners with hardwood flooring already know, this flooring material changes color and overall appearance as it ages. What initially seems like a minor plank replacement is actually a major project that will require refinishing or even replacement of the entire floor due to the continuous nature of the hardwood flooring and mismatch issues between the repaired and undamaged portion of flooring.

Florida’s Best Public Adjusters Can Help

Florida’s Best Public Adjusters will help you identify seen and unseen areas of damage and look for damage that extends from the obvious damage location, due to the continuous nature of what was damaged and the fact that its repair will present matching issues. We serve you, not the insurance company and know how to work with the insurance company’s adjusters to get what you are rightfully entitled to under your insurance policy and Florida law. Our knowledge and experience will help bring your home to its condition before the damage occurred. Call 1(800)-952-7693 for a free claim review today.

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Notably, we hold the top spot in Google Search rankings as the leading Public Adjuster. What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to serving your best interests, as we work exclusively for you, not the insurance provider. Our mission is clear: to assist you in fully maximizing your insurance claim.

Stephen Lippy

CEO & Founder of Florida’s Best Public Adjusters

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