We can reopen claims and fight underpaid claims.
Florida’s insurers struggle to process claims created by Hurricane Irma. Five months after Hurricane Irma moved across Florida, only half of the claims submitted to the state’s insurers have been paid. As of February 9, a total of 900,228 residential, business, and commercial claims had been filed, according to statistics from the Florida Office of…
Almost 30% of all claims for Hurricane Irma are being denied by the insurance company. If you claim was denied, please call us as we can help you and make sure you receive a fair settlement. On September 2017 Hurricane Irma touched Florida shores. It has been more than four months since the powerful storm…
What is a Public Adjuster? A Public Adjuster is a professional claims handler who advocates for the policyholder in appraising and negotiating an insurance claim. Aside from attorneys and the broker of record, public adjusters licensed by the State Department of Insurance are the only type of claims adjuster that can represent the rights of…
Why do I need a Public Adjuster? After experiencing property damage to your home or business, you might need to call a public adjuster to review the damage and provide an estimate of the cost of the repair. However, that is because the adjuster provided by the insurance company does not work for you –…
If your insurance claim settlement was too low, hiring a public adjuster to represent you will help. If you filed a homeowners insurance claim and feel your insurance company has underpaid you, or wrongfully denied your claim, you aren’t helpless. Discrepancies over the cost of damages or a loss are common between insurance companies and…
Insurance companies use a variety of tactics to deny claims like: Denial that insurance coverage exists creating a scenario where only a part of your claim is denied. Denial of your claim because your claim is excluded or partially excluded under your policy. Denies any part of your claim. Therefore, the longer they can hold…