$16,000 Ice Line Break Claim

State Farn paid our client $26,000. We reopened the claim and obtained an additional $16,000. Does Home Insurance Cover Frozen Pipes? Typically, water damage caused by a burst frozen pipe is covered by your home’s insurance, which includes cleaning and any repairs. Your claim may not be covered if you shut off your heat after…

$19,599 Hot Water Tank Leak

Melbourne Hot Water Tank Leak Claim Our client was paid $5,474 by Southern Fidelity Insurance. We reopened the claim and obtained an additional $14,125 for our client. Is water heater leak damage covered by insurance? While a homeowner’s insurance policy is unlikely to cover the cost of repairing a leaking water heater, it may cover…

$72,000 Tornado Damage Claim

United Property and casualty company. Reopened claim on February 22, 2016 for our client who was only paid $32,000 by the insurance company. We negotiated a settlement on August 4th, 2016 for a total of $72,000 without a lawsuit. Am I covered by tornado damage? In most policies, the answer is yes. Tornadoes, unlike floods…

$15,000 Roof Leak Claim

Ark Royal denied this 2015 claim due to continuous and repeated seepage clause, poor workmanship on the roof, lack of maintenance on the roof etc. On Augist 4th we settled a lawsuit for our client and obtained $15,000 to repair damage caused by the leaking roof. As long as the cause of the damage is…

$12,000 Shower Leak Claim

$12,000 shower leak Miramar We opened and settles this claim in less than two months with federated national and we settled on behalf of our client for 100% of our estimate of $12,000.00. July 2016. The majority of the time, house insurance will cover a leaky shower that was caused by a busted pipe or…

$11,000 Roof Leak Claim

Roof leak Miami Gardens $11,000 Universal Property and Casualty paid only $2,300 to this retired government worker to repair damage from a roof leak. We reopened the claim and delivered a check to him for an additional $11,000 on July 2016 Water damage caused by roof leaks is one of the most common causes in…

$21,000 Roof Leak Claim

Ark Royal Insurance paid $0.00 claiming that the damage on this claim was below the deductible. We reopened the claim and settled the claim without litigation for $21,000. Roof Leak Claim Roof leaks may be inconvenient and costly. Depending on the source of the leak, roof leak repair can be pricey. Even if your homeowner’s…

$23,000 Pipe Break Claim

$23,000 Pipe Break Claim in Rockledge, Florida People’s Trust initially insisted on doing the reconstruction for this do it yourself insured. We adjusted the claim and got the client paid $23,000 to repair the damages to his home. Over the years, our firm has been involved in numerous claims where the entire interior of buildings…

$19,000 Pipe Break Claim

Pipe break in a laundry room in Margate $19,000. Tower Hill insurance initially paid the insured $2,764. We reopened the claim and within 6 weeks we negotiated a total of $19,000 for our client. Pipe Break Insurance Claim When a pipe breaks, homeowners insurance pays for damage to the carpet or rugs, the floor, the…

$25,400 Broken Pipe Claim

$25,400 broken pipe in bathroom in North Palm Beach, Florida Heritage Insurance paid $12,000 and we reopened the claim and our client received an additional $13,400. Is it possible to make a claim for a burst pipe? Damage from broken pipes is usually covered by homeowner’s insurance if it occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. Water damage…